Monday, September 24, 2007

Libraries 2.0: week 12: Totally YouTube-ular!

I chose the first video because I was looking for a Demetri Martin bit on people in glass houses throwing stones. I couldn't find it, but I saw this bit he did on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart about social networking. It seemed vaguely relevant. Watch at your own risk.

Like so many other 2.0 "things," a big positive with youtube is the ability to tag items. That would be great for the library. Link it up to online AV and the patrons can find the material they want with user-friendly searches (as opposed to, say, "Medical Grand Rounds Feb 14, 2007"). They'd be happier; we'd be happier. Everyone would gather in happier workplace.

One thing I didn't like was my search on Jonkunoo (again, as a non-librarian, I have non-librarian interests which I use to help me understand these things). My favorite album cover has what I thought were Jonkunoo images. Unfortunately, the videos I saw of Junkunoo dancers didn't quite look like the same thing. It would almost appear as if I'm wrong. So, if anyone knows what the costumes are on this album cover, I'd be glad to learn about it.

As long as I'm here on these subjects, I'd like to add a video I tried to add earlier, but didn't know how to go about it. Again, watch at your own risk:

And have a good day.

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