Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Week 5: part II

As instructed, I edited a wiki. I had never done that before and found it to be easy.

But not easy enough. There was some coding to be done. I think I tagged my name to print in boldface. I didn't see where there was a list of common tags for the wiki. Yes, I know that a few tags here and there will be enough, but it's a small hurdle for those who are not comfortable with computers. I just need to learn the tags--if that is what they are even called--and share that info with the people using any wiki I create.

But, as we've learned, there is another simple solution in wiki world for the problem of tags: don't use 'em. Someone else will, hopefully, stop by and clean up the coding for the page. I'm not certain how that jibes with wiki etiquette, but it is one solution. But it gets the job done.

And have a good day!


Melissa Rethlefsen said...

Agreed with you about the bizarre wiki syntax--you can bold using the Rich Text buttons at the top of the editing box, but linking is a little weird, as is putting in headers and stuff.

Mark Wentz said...

My apologies. I'm not sure how I missed the editing buttons. Thanks for pointing that out. That helps a lot.